I hope Onslaught comes to PC..
Solution: Public server files.
The server software got leaked.
Issue with that according to dice: Security issues.
ROFLMFAO!!! I just said they LEAKED the software!!!
Solution to that issue:
Admit you leaked it yourself, hoping the community comes up with a fix, as it has done before. I understand it is all about keeping money rolling, preferably in your direction, but give us a break, will ya! The community wrote one of the best mods for your first game in the BF series, if not the best. Remember DesertCombat? Sure you do; you were so flabbergasted you employed that group of ppl.... and they wrote BF2!
I just wonder what you guys are going to do about those cracked servers....you know, PB off, but sill ranked......
End of post.