Hello guys,
am I right you're using a new balancing system on your servers lately? Something like squad balancing if i'm not mistaking.
Don't get me wrong, I like your server a lot (might be the reason i played over 1400 rounds on it haha) but lately the balance is kinda crappy :/ (new squad leader thingy is working great, like passing the lead etc.)
The teams barely seem to scramble, at least we couldnt notice any difference in the teams for couple of rounds.
Or did we just miss it? with the old system we could see the teams being mixed at the end (if the ticket difference was too big).
Do you consinder going back to your old balancer or are you happy with the new one? maybe you could give me a bit of feedback on how you see it and probably how the balancer is working now.
Thanks in advance and see you on the battlefield.