FhJ Evil-King Sers Jungs. Schönes Event gestern. Aber Lostvillage fällt in Zukunft flach ^^
@ SuperPao: Look out for Hellfire behind you. That guy makes me crazy with his plane...
Sargon :-)) watch your six man..
SuperPao Hi, Today I flyed on your server, Great training! I'll come to fly with you. Bye
FhJ Enigma mööp! Hi Evil! :-) Hi -=11=- Clan! Good luck and mutch fun for our Funwar this evening! Greez Enigma
FhJ Evil-King Last post by me ^^ Forgot the nickname
Nickname He guys, ready for the war? ^^ PW via teamspeak. Later, not now :-)
Nodbrother @dickdarm: please fill ou a 'fight us' form.
Nickname hiiii could u plz contact me for a fun war... 322-477-409 (ICQ) or dickdarm (xfire) thx!!!
Old|Rocker Hey Juju good to see you again.
Hellfire Roger that!welcome back juju:)
Nodbrother @wixhand: discussions in the forum
@ FhJ-EvilKing: check forum, admin section for details
blizzard hmm...........:)
BaronJuJu Same Disks, Nod worked some pb magic!
WIXHAND was soll das gekicke und die beleidigungen an laufenden band????
FhJ Evil-King Nice to read that. New game or did the pb-solution works?
BaronJuJu Woohoo!!! NOw I just have to learn to fly the Helo again! ;P
Nodbrother Yes! We have Baron JuJu back on,the server!