AIRSTRIKER sry ich werds heute wieder nicht schaffen zum training. habe nachher fsmilienbesuch...
debbyman -=11=-popeye the sailor =AB11BY
Nodbrother np, yw
Hellfire Big thanks again to Nod..we will be playing GC on the clan server.May the force be with us:)
AB11BY :-)
Nodbrother -=SKI11ER=-?
debbyman Hello alone :-)
Sargon yahahuiii die Seite ist wieder da :-))). Hello ALL
debbyman now we can change AB11BY to -=SKIPPER=-
senior75 gratulation AB11BY
Hellfire yalla,yalla
AB11BY ja
Evil-King Grüße zum Wochenende ^^
Evil-King I hate notebookkeyboards... They make me crazy... Behind "BF42/DCF" I miss my thought "only"...
K, should be all. Cu on the field. Bye
Evil-King Sry, guys. I'm bored ^^ Thought about battlefield some moments ago. Have a new question: Do you guys play BF42DCF or BF2142 too? If you do, maybe we could meet at a server and play together against some of those many many lone-wolf-noobs ^^ My opinion: You must have BF2142. That rules like... ahmm... me?!?!
Evil-King Cool, thx :-) (but I hope such a crash won't happen again)
Hellfire no problem...anytime:)
FhJ Evil-King Oh ok, so it was down? Thought that u had a new ts-ip. Reason for the join was that our server crashed really bad yesterday incl. ts. so we looked out for another server for that moment. Would it be possible that we use a channel on your ts-server if that happens again?
Greetings, King