Hey Clan =11=,
Firstly I wanna thank you for providing some great servers for the BF4 community to play on! Secondly please don't take this as a noob just whining for the sake it I'm not the best but I'm a team player and do pull my weight. On to the issue, I would like to ask you if it would be possible to get a team scrambler on the 64 man CQ server for rounds where the teams are obviously unbalanced skill wise. I've just come off the server after playing 4 maps that were a complete whitewash for the same team and its quite a downer knowing your team has no chance to win before the round has even started. If a team scrambler could be implemented to prevent this happening say a score difference of more than 400 between the teams could trigger it I think it would make the server better and a lot fairer for players who are not members of certain clans that totally dominate the server. Again I have played quite frequently on your server in the past but stopped playing as much on there because of this issue only last few days i've come back too see if anything had changed but sadly not. Anyway thanks for reading hope you will at least consider this as an option.