Here's a little more about this game engine and it is impressive...But up until now outside of UT3 by epic themselves no one has made a real good job of making a UE3 game.
Especially getting a true fully functional dedicated server working..MOH:Airborne and Brothers in Arms:Hells Highway are good examples of companies making a UE3 game and failing miserably to get the multiplayer side working correctly...Hard to believe when you look at the following specs that so many have failed to actually take full advantage of what the engine can provide..So no pressure TWI but I would finally like to play a UE3 game that actually
* Internet and LAN play has been a hallmark of action games as demonstrated in Epic's
Unreal Tournament series. The Unreal Engine has long provided a flexible and high-level network architecture suitable to many genres of games, as well as simulation projects; and is fully supported on PC and all console platforms.
* Integrated voice communication on all platforms.
* Unreal Engine gameplay network programming is high-level and data-driven, allowing UnrealScript game code to specify variables and functions to be replicated between client and server to maintain a consistent approximation of game state. The low-level game networking transport is UDP-based and combines reliable and unreliable transmission schemes to optimize gameplay, even in low-bandwidth and high-latency scenarios.
* Client-server model supporting
up to 64 players as provided.
* Supports network play between different platforms (i.e. dedicated PC serving console clients).
* Engine-level and content security.
* Game code writes to one API that works across all online platforms.
* All gameplay features are supported in network play,
enabling vehicle-based multiplayer games, competitive team games with NPC's or
bots, cooperative play in a single player focused game, and so on. Support for
auto-downloading and caching content, including cross-platform compatible UnrealScript code. This feature enables everything from user-created maps, to bonus packs, to complete game
mods to be downloaded on the fly.
* Server browsing capabilities for finding and querying servers, keeping track of favorites, friends, in-game chat, etc.
Party system: the ability for a group of players to meet in a networked lobby and transition from match to match as a group.
* Supports Games for Windows Live, Xbox Live, and GameSpy (PC and PS3) network platforms.
* Support for Microsoft’s LIVE Server Platform (LSP).
* Networked Title Updating system: allows for modification/customization of game features via downloaded files from an LSP so updates can happen without a TU.
* Support for PS3 downloadable games via Sony’s Game Content Utility: UE3 games can be run as retail disc games, downloaded from the Playstation Store, or even a patch, all without the need for recompiling the code.
For those interested there's more info here... text was written by a guy named ButchCassidy, and copied from
the tripwire interactive forumThis post was written on 05.05.2009......
I hope the devs of the game can make it happen....