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Possible Cheater

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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby Loki » Fri 21 Aug, 2015 8:35 am

You are right: "Life is no petting zoo"!
You have your opinion, we have ours. You are guest on our servers and forums, we are the owners ... so deal with it!

I wish everyone a nice weekend.
Useless discussion closed.
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby EBassie » Fri 21 Aug, 2015 12:00 pm

Passinero wrote:
EBassie wrote:Hi LLLHannesLLL

Sorry guys, but how perky are you to reveal his "real name" although he has chosen to stay "anonymous"?

And what the hell is this shit?

EBassie wrote:I have no reason to believe fontiano is cheating, else he would have been banned months ago.

Everybody knows, that it's not possible to ban all cheaters and your statement is like:

"The holocaust has never happen because I wasn't there..."

Are you guys a bunch of 16 year olds?


Und noch mal auf Deutsch:

Wie dreist seid ihr bitte, dass ihr seinen echten Spielernamen preisgebt obwohl er sich entschieden hat anonym zu bleiben?

Jeder weiß, dass nicht alle Cheater gebannt werden (können) und Deine Aussage ist Müll. Nur weil er bisher noch nicht gebannt wurde heißt das automatisch, dass er keiner ist?! Ehrlich, Leute, seid ihr ein Haufen sechzehnjähriger Jungs?

Loki explained my view quite excellent. I don't need to add anything more, but...

I would like to say I find it strange some one else other than the poster is making a complaint about it.

I also suggest to Passinero to tread lightly from now on. These holocaust remarks are just too much.

If you don't like how we run things on OUR server and website, I suggest you just leave and never come back.

I meant the player was not banned by ME, not banned in general.
You should have read it like this:
I have no reason to believe fontiano is cheating, else he would have been banned BY US months ago.

Cheaters on our servers will get banned.... generally by me. Simple as that.
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby Loki » Fri 21 Aug, 2015 1:38 pm

Reopened the thread to give Passinero the chance to answer onto Bassies response.
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby EBassie » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 2:32 pm

No reply yet? Kinda disappointing after his outrageous outburst...
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby VakuumKnecht » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 2:40 pm

Maybe he was so angry that he never visited the forum again ;)
"The price of greatness is responsibility" - Winston Churchill
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby EBassie » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 2:46 pm

VakuumKnecht wrote:Maybe he was so angry that he never visited the forum again ;)

Well... he did play on our servers after my 'contribution'...
And since he's so 'self-righteous', he should have some interest to reply.

He also should be thankful he's still able to play on our servers after his bullshit.

It's that I was out of town for the weekend and Loki did not sway the banhammer, because I would have done it immediately after his first post.
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby Loki » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:39 pm

EBassie wrote:
VakuumKnecht wrote:Maybe he was so angry that he never visited the forum again ;)

Well... he did play on our servers after my 'contribution'...
And since he's so 'self-righteous', he should have some interest to reply.

He also should be thankful he's still able to play on our servers after his bullshit.

It's that I was out of town for the weekend and Loki did not sway the banhammer, because I would have done it immediately after his first post.

Well, after his first post he rowed back a bit and replied with a cooler head, so I renounced to ban him. He apologized for that Holocaust shit and for me that was the most important thing.

The rest was a typical kind of "different opinions" for me and what said Noddi?
"Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one!"

But believe me, I had the brush in my hand to make him pink!

I see a yellow name and want to paint it pink ... :mrgreen:
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Re: Possible Cheater

Postby *ELAN_ONE* » Tue 25 Aug, 2015 6:57 pm

Passinero wrote:
EBassie wrote:Hi LLLHannesLLL

"The holocaust has never happen because I wasn't there..."

wow..mate are you serious?

woOow.. aber dann las ich Loki :!:

Loki wrote:
Passinero wrote:
EBassie wrote:Hi LLLHannesLLL

Sorry guys, but how perky are you to reveal his "real name" although he has chosen to stay "anonymous"?

And what the hell is this shit?

EBassie wrote:I have no reason to believe fontiano is cheating, else he would have been banned months ago.

Everybody knows, that it's not possible to ban all cheaters and your statement is like:

"The holocaust has never happen because I wasn't there..."

Are you guys a bunch of 16 year olds?


Und noch mal auf Deutsch:

Wie dreist seid ihr bitte, dass ihr seinen echten Spielernamen preisgebt obwohl er sich entschieden hat anonym zu bleiben?

Jeder weiß, dass nicht alle Cheater gebannt werden (können) und Deine Aussage ist Müll. Nur weil er bisher noch nicht gebannt wurde heißt das automatisch, dass er keiner ist?! Ehrlich, Leute, seid ihr ein Haufen sechzehnjähriger Jungs?


1.) Wer mit dem Finger auf jemanden zeigt, der sollte auch den Arsch in der Hose haben das in seinem "eigenen Namen" zu machen! Wir geben in unserem Forum niemandem die Plattform um "anonym" über andere Spieler abzuledern, im Battlelog Forum wirst du für so etwas gesperrt (Name & Shame).

2.) Wir betreiben nicht erst seit gestern Battlefield Server und haben unsere Erfahrungen mit Cheatern gemacht, mit cleveren und mit dämlichen, wobei die dämlichen überwiegen. Fontiano spielt schon seit einiger Zeit auf unseren Servern und natürlich ist uns seine Spielweise bereits aufgefallen und natürlich haben wir ihn auch schon des öfteren beobachtet. Wir haben dazu die ein oder andere Möglichkeit die "normalen" Server Besuchern nicht zur Verfügung stehen und wenn unser Head-Admin schreibt das Fontiano ein guter Spieler ist, dann hat er damit Recht ... auch wenn mir persönlich Fontiano manchmal gewaltig auf den Senkel geht!

3.) Deine Audrucksweise gefällt mir nicht!
In EBassie's Beitrag finde ich keinerlei dumme Bemerkungen, du hingegen schlägst hier auf, wirst beleidigend und haust dumme Bemerkungen rein, was soll das? Auf deinen dämlichen Holocaust Spruch will ich gar nicht erst eingehen und wenn du dir mal unsere "Members & Friends" Seite etwas genauer ansiehst, sollte sich die Altersfrage auch erledigt haben.

So ... und nun noch ein freundlich gemeinter Hinweis:
Sollte dein Blut beim lesen meiner Antwort wieder in Wallung geraten, dann würde ich dir empfehlen unser Forum einfach OHNE eine weitere Antwort zu verlassen. Solltest du nämlich noch einmal so verbal entgleisen wie in deinem letzten Beitrag, werde ich deinen Benutzernamen in zartestes Rosa tauchen und selbigen auf die Bannliste unserer Server setzen.

Das hat Mutti nämlich früher schon immer gesagt: "Niemand spielt mit kleinen Kindern die sich nicht benehmen können" ... und Mutti hatte Recht!


1.) Who points the finger at someone, should have the balls to do that in his own name. We wouldn't give anyone the platform to backbite anonymously about other players. In the Battlelog forums you would locked for that (name & shame).

2.) We operate not just since yesterday Battlefield server and have made our experience with cheaters, with clever and stupid, the stupid predominate. Fontiano quite some time playing on our servers, and of course us his style of play has been noticed and of course we've seen him on many occasions. We have the one or another option, that for "normal" server visitors are not available and if our Head-Admin writes that Fontiano is a good player, then he's right ... even Fontiano personally annoyes me sometimes!

3.) I don't like your mode of expression!
In EBassie's post I find no stupid comments, you come here, start insults and stupid comments, what is that? About your stupid Holocaust sentence I would not lose a word and if you ever look on our "Members & Friends", should the question of age have also done.

So ... and now a friendly intentioned Note:
If your blood when read my answer again advised to boil, then I would recommend you to leave our forum simply without any further response. If you verbally derail again as in your last post, I will paint your username in the most delicate pink and add selfsame on the ban list our servers.

As Mom always said: "No one plays with small children who can not behave" ... and Mom was right!

In diesem Sinne
Gruß Loki

damit sei ALLES gesagt!

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