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Got banned from metro server

PostPosted: Sun 27 Oct, 2013 3:10 am
by Guest
Hello, i got banned today from your metro server. I ususally dont do this when i get banned, however i really like your server because its no explosive and mostly populated. Stated reason was Aimbot rate 40.
Greez Mas

Re: Got banned from metro server

PostPosted: Sun 27 Oct, 2013 12:37 pm
by -=11=-
Damn - we have some atmospherics, I can't find your ingame name.


Re: Got banned from metro server

PostPosted: Sun 27 Oct, 2013 2:15 pm
by EBassie

due to the clock going back an hour because of the end of Daylight saving time the auto-admin got confused and banned the entire server.
Because you cannot kill players with negative playtime...

We removed the bans. Sorry for the inconvenience.