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PostPosted: Sat 26 Jan, 2013 5:21 pm
by glganlga9000

I got banned on your server the other day. I can't remember me saying anything particularly bad. Why did I get banned?


Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: GlGANlGA9000 - Being Disrespectful / Racist

Re: glganlga9000

PostPosted: Sat 26 Jan, 2013 7:17 pm
by -=11=-

Yes you are banned and this ban will NEVER be removed.

Yesterday you were disrespectful to some players in the server and after looking at the complete chat-history we found out you have been disrespectful, racist and anti-semitic on our server in the past.

Some examples taken from different dates:
GlGANlGA9000: aryans > jews :>

GlGANlGA9000: holocaust buhuhuh
GlGANlGA9000: my problem is that it never took place

GlGANlGA9000: !votekick skychotik - reason: neger

Your previous playername has been GlGANlGGA, jud3njaeger88 & judenjaeger88.
You are a racist troll and we won't tolerate this on our servers.

Good bye.