Dear members,
Today I was banned by [11]eBassie who believed I was using a hack. He banned me without even trying to reason with me, which is fine if that's the way you do things I guess.
The reason that led to this action was that I found his hideyhole (which coincidentally is also one of my favorite hiding places) which is a small garage area near capture point E on the Seine Crossing map.
What actually happened: Threw a grenade in there, saw to people get out. Grenade exploded but still got a hit indicator on my crosshair. I shot the two people who were running away, one of them returned fire who I managed to kill with my handgun as I expired my ammo on the first guy (who died).
I reloaded, ran towards the garage and jumped across the threshold, surprising eBassie who was in there. Simply put, since I expected someone there, my reaction time was faster then his (which is to be expected, which is also the reason I jumped in instead of running) and I killed him. He then accused me of being a hacker.
At this point, I think that he was a little angry at the situation and in frustration banned me. Anyway, I'm an admin myself over at and I welcome you to come there and get testimony from my friends there.