My problem :
When clicking on Join Server from the browse server window i only get "Joining Server" after that nothing happens at all.
What helped for me on my x64 PC is the following :
Due to the è in the folder name the game won't start and generates an Application Error in the event viewer.
To change this on x64 systems :
1: Shut down Origin. Check task manager to make sure
2: Goto the folder where Origin installed BF3 Beta (C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Bèta Battlefield 3)
3: Rename the Bèta Battlefield 3 folder to Beta Battlefield 3
4: Start regedit , browse to the following key :
Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Beta Battlefield 3
5: Start Origin as Administrator. Your webbrowser will also start and will go to battlelog
6: Go to the serverbrowser, pick a server, and play!
This is a fix for x64 systems!
original post stolen from a guy named roofuzz