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No more video games for me

PostPosted: Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:10 pm
by Thy Edge
As you know it's been sometime since I last played on your server. Well I bought Starcraft 2. I played it a LOT! Too bad that school starts now. I will be able to play only on the weekends. I miss you guys :D I'll be studying a lot since I want to attend a Dentistry University in Greece. I'll post here when I have the time. So it was nice meeting you! I hope we'll play together in the future. GAME ON!

Re: No more video games for me

PostPosted: Fri 10 Sep, 2010 10:48 pm
by Nodbrother
Okay Edge! Take care!

Re: No more video games for me

PostPosted: Sat 11 Sep, 2010 3:41 pm
by bananaSkill