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Server informations

PostPosted: Wed 13 Nov, 2013 4:22 pm
by Douflou
Hello guys!

I have a little clan with some friends IRL and we're playing BF4. We are about to have a website and I really like the work you've done on your website, it is simple but clean !!
My question is how are you doing to display infos about your servers ? I was planning to use the gametracker thing but I cannot be customized as yours!

Thanks for the help and maybe see you soon on your BF4 server :)


PS : sorry for my bad english

Re: Server informations

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 5:34 am
by EBassie
Hi Douflou,

thanks for the compliment. We use a php class to communicate with the gameservers RCON port.
You can find the source here:

The gameserver information is being read real-time and with custom build scripts we show that on multiple places on our website.
It's not really one complete 'standard' solution, as we customized the php bf3conn class to fit our needs.

Also everything you see tailored to fit our needs, but sometimes based on free available jQuery plugins like the homepage server banners.

With regards,