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PostPosted: Sat 28 May, 2011 8:35 am
by Loki
Someone come here to sit and think,
someone come here to shit and stink,
i come here to crawl my balls
and read the writings on the walls.

Feel free to continue the thread. :lol:

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Mon 06 Jun, 2011 10:07 am
by RbBetter
Here I sit, I'm at a loss
trying to shit out taco sauce.
When it comes, I hope and pray,
I don't blow my ass away.


Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Mon 06 Jun, 2011 4:50 pm
by bananaSkill
O.o :)

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Tue 07 Jun, 2011 10:13 pm
by RbBetter
Don't throw your cigarette butts in the urinal.
It makes them soggy and hard to light.
--- The Janitor ---

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Wed 08 Jun, 2011 5:31 pm
by Loki
Ich sitze auf dem Bottichrand
und rauche eine Stuyvesant
und was dann in den Bottich fällt,
das ist der Duft der weiten Welt!

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Thu 09 Jun, 2011 6:10 pm
by Ltd. Dzango
Auf diesem klo da sitz ein geist,
der jedem der zu lange scheißt von unten in die eier beißt.
Doch denkst du nun der geist ist dumm und spielt dir an de eier rum,
dann sag ich dir der geist ist schlau und fickt viel lieber deine frau!

Mich hat er noch nicht gebissen,
den ich hab ihm ins gesicht geschissen!
Jetzt sitzt er da mit vollen Backen,
und ich kann in Ruhe weiter kacken!

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Mon 13 Jun, 2011 12:30 pm
by RbBetter
The Toilet Paper Thief

The toilet paper thief is at it again.
This is so frustrating, that i don't know where to begin.

You would think that for people being so grown ........
That they would not steal toliletpaper for reasons unknown .....

It's always the brand new role, and never the old.....
Also, the can of Lysol was disappeared, or so i was told,....

My plea is simple, please don't disregard,
Stop stealing the toiletpaper, you fucking retard!!

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Mon 13 Jun, 2011 12:50 pm
by Nodbrother
not rly lyrics, but wthn:Image

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jun, 2011 3:59 am
by RbBetter

Re: RestrOOm-Lyrics

PostPosted: Sun 21 Aug, 2011 9:53 pm
by RbBetter
Here I sit
Broken hearted
Tried to shit
But only farted :mrgreen: