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Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby Born2smurf » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 12:39 pm

Hello everyone

As you guys probably know origin had quite a big update last week. Now before that update I could play the game perfectly smooth with settings somewhere inbetween medium and high. When i tried to play again this weekend -Also when I noticed origin had changed- I kept crashing after ±1 minute of playing. My screen just freezes, my cursos pops up and appears to move a bit and I usually have to open task manager to close it, if i'm lucky I can see a bf4 has stopped working window.
For the moment I have tried this:
Played other games to see if it wasn't my gpu, worked fine.
Repaired my install
Reinstalled Origin
disabled origin ingame
Repaired my install again
Reinstalled origin
Checked if my all the correct router ports are open (used Port Forward network Utilities)
Reinstalled the game

I really have no clue what or why I have this, my drivers are up to date (since bf1 happened).
Gta V wich I installed on the same disk as bf4 seems to work fine.
And at last nobody else seems to have this issues so that kinda makes me doubt it actually IS origin.

Does anybody have any idea of what it could be, I kinda want to play again lol.

Thanks in advance


Edit 1: I forgot to mention my specs:
windows 7 (64 bit)
GTX 770
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Re: Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby EBassie » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 7:00 pm

I've no issues with BF4 and latest Origin. Your issue looks like a video driver issue.

Have you tried using an older Nvidia driver?
Or completely removing your current driver with DDU: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/dis ... nload.html
And afterwards reinstalling latest version.
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Re: Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby Born2smurf » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 7:56 pm

thanks for the tip, I've tried it but sadly it didn't work, it's a bit different now the crashes though. It just disconnects me and even gives me an error message.

It says:

Game disconnected: Client closed down connection. Check your network connection and make sure that port 3659 (UDP) is open.
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Re: Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby EBassie » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 8:32 pm

Born2smurf wrote:
Game disconnected: Client closed down connection. Check your network connection and make sure that port 3659 (UDP) is open.

Usually a PC & Router reboot fixes that issue.
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Re: Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby EBassie » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 9:09 pm

Hmm, I see it did happen again?

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
[21:07:32] player.onDisconnect BornTosmurf PLAYER_CONN_LOST

Not sure why this is happening...
Does it happen on all servers, or just ours?
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Re: Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby Born2smurf » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 9:15 pm

I Restarted my router, played for a few minutes now and happened again. When i joined in again it was just 30 seconds again and poof, no error message aswell now.

I'll see if I can play on another server.
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Re: Bf4 has become unplayeable since the big origin change

Postby Born2smurf » Tue 20 Sep, 2016 9:35 pm

Nope, Just played on another server for a few minutes and crashed again :l, identical, just freezes, no error message.

The only clue that I could follow up is the error message that I get in event tracker from windows, idk if anyone here knows a bit more about these logs than I do.



(System language is Dutch, oops)

EDIT: I've got some help on the EA answer HQ page and it seems to be fixed, I just played a full round on the server but got disconnected with the message ''could not join server (1)'' right when the round ended. I'll see if it occurs more tonight when I have more time.
http://answers.ea.com/t5/Battlefield-4/ ... 8#U5564768
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