[*] Name: Brad
[*] Age: 18
[*] Country: England!
[*] Skill: I'm not altogether sure, but I'm usually - In your server on Rush - around the top 3.
[*] Fav. Map: I don't have one, there's just specific parts of maps I like, and bits I don't like.
[*] Why you want join the -=11=-Clan?: I've been on the server for a while now, and I've found not only the server to be nice and reliable, but also the people who are on it are usually up for a laugh. This clan seems to be relaxed, but also quite concentrated on having fun and playing well.
I tend to play the majority of classes, although you'll see me playing most as a supportive Assault with an M4. Although I do flick between Medic, Offensive Recon (VSS) and Engineer when the time is needed. I know how to have a laugh, but I can also be very serious. I do tend to get a little hot headed, but if somebody points it out straight away, I'll cool off and its all good!
- Side Note; I'm not altogether sure if the procedure I've just done is correct or not, so I apologise now if I've messed up posting this application! -
Looking forward to gaming with you guys shortly.