This was found from one forum:
(Thank you for contacting EA Customer Support for EA account. Unfortunately, we have some bad news.
Today we have received several reports of Bad Company 2 players whose accounts have been deleted, unfortunately, belong among those players.
I open a new account for you and you create new codes for games, plus a few bonus code BC2 for weapons, but unfortunately, soldiers will no longer be recoverable. We apologize greatly for any inconvenience.
Here is the new code when you sign BC2: Een the same email address which in the past, you can enter the main game code. Vietnam code, you can use the menu in Vietnam, and pre-order, LE, and SpecAct codes you can use the Multi Player -> Redeem Codes section)
Today = Jan 13 2011
So! Who is fu,,,ing who. There is something totally wrong EA=Electric Apes!!!!