Fix has stopped working, will keep you guys updated, to put it short, Punkbuster released an update and this fix doesn't work anymore, so you will have to revert the steps and deal with lower performance for now.
To revert: simply delete the PB folder and repair the game via Origin, if you don't do this, Punkbuster will keep kicking for not having the latest version, hopefully Visceral/Punkbuster get this sorted out asap.
Some threads of players reporting the fix as working and then suddenly stopped today:
Thread 1,
Thread 2.
So currently Battlefield Hardline is having some weird performance issues, I'm pretty sure they affect everyone based on the posts that I saw on Battlelog / Reddit.
After testing for around 2 hours using our TG server I confirmed that Punkbuster is causing the problem.
Running perfoverlay.drawgraph 1 and perfoverlay.drawfps 1 I noticed the following:
When I had Punkbuster enabled in the server the CPU graph was spiking like crazy, causing some microstutters my framerate was hanging around 80 at high settings and dropping down with the CPU spikes to like 56 for a fraction of a second, causing the annoying stutter.
Plus Punkbuster was changing from 0.6% CPU usage up to 7% in matter of seconds.
The second test was without Punkbuster enabled, didn't present any massive stuttering or CPU spikes, my framerates were higher ranging from 95 to 130 fps.
- Go to the following Battlefield Hardline folder, by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\BFH\__Installer\punkbuster\redist
- Run pbsvc and uninstall punkbuster
- Download Punkbuster from
http://www.evenbalan...age=pbsetup.php- Once you run the setup choose "Add game" and choose Battlefield 4, but when asked for a location point it to your Hardline Folder
- Go back to \BFH\__Installer\punkbuster\redist and run pbsvc and install punkbuster
and Boom there ya go! no more stutter!
That fix was made by an user on the battlelog forums, I'm just explaining it better!

but I just wanted to test it out myself and confirm that it was an issue.
Enjoy higher framerates regardless of your setup.
PS: I was really tired when writing this.